Lemony Goodness

Lemony Goodness

So I’ve been enjoying the warm and snow free weather we’ve been having in my area. Looks like that ground hog knew what he was talking about, which freaks me out lol! Anyway, spring is on it’s way and while this is not a direct connection, spring made me think of the sun, which is yellow, which reminded me of my love of lemon desserts.
Funny how everything comes back to food : )

My all time favorite flavor for dessert is LEMON! There used to be an ice cream shop by my house growing up that made the best homemade lemon ice cream, it was really one of the best things I’ve ever tasted in my life. It was so good that even people who turned up their nose and didn’t want to try is were converted to lovers of this ice cream, it was pure magic. I think that’s where my love of lemon began. I picked some lemony goodness to share with you.

What’s your favorite dessert flavor? Does it tie to a specific fond memory?YUMMY Lemon Mousse! I of course love this presentation too : )

Lemon Chiffon Marshmallow

I need to make these NOW, lemon and blueberry pancakes

Who could resist a macaron, lemon or not, but lemon is the best : )

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