Thank You 2010, HELLO 2011!!!

Thank You 2010, HELLO 2011!!!


I love the beginning of a new year, everyone is so positive, so charged, and so excited. There’s nothing like a fresh start right?! Even though I’m not into the whole resolution deal I do wish for continued growth in the new year for The Party Muse and continued health and happiness for my family and I.
2010 was my first full calendar year of business and it has certainly been a HUGE learning experience for me. I entered thinking I was going to take this industry by storm and by the end of the year I would be on Oprah, lol. What I learned was a lot of great lessons and I’ve met some really great people who I am honestly and truly grateful for.


I started out with a tribe of ONE a very good friend of mine who wanted to start her own business too, Beth of Changing Spaces Design. Outside of my husband, she was the only support I had and my only real cheerleader and sounding board. Later another friend started their business Sandy of Marley Simone and she joined Beth and I in our quest to take over our respective worlds. They commented on all my posts, they were the only FB fans that ever spoke to me, lol and the only comments I had on my blog. To the both of you girls


One day I posted something on Facebook, I don’t even know what it was but out of no where Kim of Party Frosting spoke to me : ) She was the first fan that I had that wasn’t a friend or family member trying to give me support to comment on something I would love to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to her. I was a fan of hers already and I knew who she was and I respected her work so to have her comment really meant a lot to me.

I joined Martha Stewart’s Dreamers Into Doers and it was the best thing at the time. I started talking to people, interacting trying to meet like minded people, sharing my work which at that point was like 3 parties. One day out of the clear blue sky I get a message in my inbox from Kristy of The Purple Pug! She doesn’t know this but I jumped up and down like 10 times before I even finished reading the whole thing. She said she was looking forward to seeing my products on Etsy! I almost fell on the floor knowing that she looked at my stuff, new enough about me to know that I was opening an Etsy shop, and thought enough to send me a message. It really meant the world to me, that was the first time anyone (especially in the industry) ever reached out to me like that.


Also on Dreamers Into Doers, I had the pleasure of meeting Ann-Margaret of Ann-Margaret’s SpeacialTea Shoppe. She was so sugary sweet, we said hello and then never stopped talking to one another. She began commenting on my FB and I would comment on hers because honestly she has some wonderful products. We were fast friends and we get closer with each lengthy email that we pass. I’m happy so happy to have met her this year,


I met Geneveive of Celebrate Today The Superchick Way at Bloggy Bootcamp, I was already a Superchick and a super fan of hers. I knew who she was the second she walked in the room. As soon as the first break came I ran up to her and was like “are you superchick”, lol so lame! I was totally stalking her! But she was so nice to me, we talked more during breaks and even sat next to each other at lunch 🙂 She gave me some valuable insight into how she approaches her parties, business wise and it really helped me out a lot. I was still a little foggy on what my personal party planning process would be. She helped me to clear the fog and I changed things for the better after meeting and talking with her. THANKS SO MUCH GEN!

My parties, website, blog, facebook pages would be nothing short of a hot mess without my good friend Fred of Captive Memiors. Fred takes all of my pictures for my parties, and for my shoots for Etsy as well. I thank him all the time but I owe him so much more. My year wouldn’t have been the same without him because I wouldn’t have been able to show my work the way it should be shown. Fred, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I’ve met a ton of people this year, I love talking to everyone, I love sharing the works of others look forward to good times with old friends and new friends this year. THANK YOU SO MUCH for being a follower on blogger, twitter, and/or facebook, it means a lot. Blessings in the new year to each of you!!!

Khaliah Signature