How to Host the Best Children’s Party

How to Host the Best Children’s Party

How to host the best children’s party!!  I’m so excited to start doing some How To’s on the blog now.  I have an email list that I started and as soon as I started it all the ideas started to flow into my mind so easily.  I won’t be sharing them all here however, some of them will show up on the blog.  Join the email list to make sure you don’t miss out on any content.  This was the subject of my first email but even this is “abridged” as to not bore the blog audience 😉

1. Have great entertainment

Having great entertainment cannot be overstated!!  If you have the choice to spend on something – spend here first.  I say that as a mom and a professional.  There’s nothing worse than having your kids sit with you and follow you around at a birthday party because they’re bored or the entertainment isn’t engaging enough.  You have to make sure your entertainment is age appropriate, engaging, and using the right amount of time.  Themed entertainment is a bonus.  People tend to focus so much on it being themed sometimes they forget that it needs to be fun.  This is true no matter how many kids are at the party!

*Good entertainment costs and the bigger your guest list, the more you need.  1 balloon twister for 30 kids doesn’t work!!

2. Feed the adults

How many parties have you gone to where the pizza is going around to the kids and the adults are all looking wondering if there’s enough for them or not?  SUPER uncomfortable!  It doesn’t have to be fancy at all.  Order extra of whatever you’re feeding the kids – plus a salad (adults love to act healthy lol) and voila – done.  Make a separate area for the adult food and make sure they know it’s okay to eat at anytime.  Most people like to feed everyone at once but when the kids are eating isn’t necessarily a good time.  Depending on their age, they will likely need support from a parent to eat which means the parent is not eating.  I usually plan for the adults to eat while the kids are being entertained….which goes back to having great and engaging entertainment!

3. Time of your party

Make sure the time of your party isn’t a traditional nap time for the age group of your little attendees.  Have you ever been to a party and ALL of the kids are having breakdowns?!  I’m telling you, there’s no faster way to waste all your time and effort on throwing a great party then planning it at nap time.  I usually go for earlier or later so maybe 10am-12pm or 3pm-5pm or 4pm-6pm.  If you have older kids that are out of nap then of course go for the coveted NOON time slot!  Trust me, that doesn’t work for the little guys.

4. Put names on your party favors

This is one that you just have to trust me on.  Unless you have an endless supply of party favors – PUT A NAME ON IT!  By the end of the party all the kids (and adults CRINGE) will be grabbing for these things like there’s money in them.  They know right away if they can take more than one if there’s a name on the bag.  It’s not a big deal to make 5 extra sans the name, that can be given out if a sibling arrives that wasn’t planned for.  They won’t care that their name isn’t on it!  The name is for you, to save your life – trust me on that!!

5. Serve wine!

Bet you didn’t think I would say that?!  Let me tell you, for a children’s party to be successful the parents have to be entertained too.  The great thing is that you can achieve that with a couple bottles of wine hidden over by the adult food table lol.

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Happy planning!
